Tide PODS® Laundry Detergent Original Scent with Smart Tray

Never Run Out

Tide Smart Tray™ monitors your detergent usage over time and automatically reorders your favorite detergent before you run out.

How It Works

First Order…

Tide Smart Tray™ arrives at your door with your favorite Tide product.

Tide Smart Tray in packaging

Easy Setup…

Place Tide on battery-operated tray – no WiFi/Bluetooth hassles since it connects to the internet using its own cellular data connection!

Use Tide As Usual…

Tide Smart Tray™ monitors your detergent usage.

The Tide Eco-Box with detergent pouring out

Auto Reorder…

We'll text you when you're running low and automatically place a new order while giving you the option to delay shipment or switch variants. No need to download an app!

Cell phone screen with SMS text messages telling the user about their upcoming order No need to download an app!

Never Run Out…

More Tide is shipped to your door, to ensure you never run out of laundry detergent again!

Tide box with smart tray and detergent delivered to your door

Detergent Options

Tide Smart Tray™ works with multiple types of detergent, directly from us. Just choose the type of Tide you like best – Tide PODS or Tide Eco-Box.